2016 Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Science Team Meeting

Earth from space
Jun. 13 to Jun. 17, 2016

6:00 pm MDT

Pasadena, California
Main content




  For NASA attendees:  This meeting has been deemed "programmatic." Please do not add it to the conference forecast system.



The 2016 SWOT Science Team meeting will be held at The Westin Pasadena in Pasadena, California, USA, which is located 30 miles/48 kilometers from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), and may be reached by taxi, shuttle or rental car (see below).

          The Westin Pasadena

          191 North Los Robles Avenue(link is external)

          Pasadena, CA  91101  USA(link is external)       

          Tel:  +1 626-792-2727

          Website(link is external)

The Meeting plenary sessions will be held in the Fountain Ballroom.