17th JCSDA Technical Review Meeting and Science Workshop

6:00 pm MDT
The JCSDA supports development of science to accelerate and optimize assimilation of satellite data in operational environmental prediction systems. The Partner agencies conduct some of this research internally, and the JCSDA supports external research via competitively awarded grants and contracts to the broader scientific community. It is essential that all of these efforts be complementary to and coordinated with one another.
The Annual JCSDA Technical Review Meeting and Science Workshop facilitates this coordination and the assessment of current and planned scientific development. Lasting 2 ½ days, the Meeting provides ample time for informal scientific discussions as well as for formal presentations. Scientists and managers from all of the JCSDA partners participate, and the results and discussions of the Meeting are used to plan future efforts
JCSDA research encompasses six priority areas approved by the Science Steering Committee:
Radiative Transfer Modeling
Preparation for assimilation of new data and data from new instruments
Assimilation of satellite data impacted by clouds and precipitation
Assimilation of land surface satellite observations
Assimilation of ocean surface satellite observations
Atmospheric composition; chemistry, and aerosols
In practice, the JCSDA manages its research efforts through a set of team-based Projects:
Community Radiative Transfer Modeling (CRTM)
New and Improved Observations (NIO)
Sea-ice, Ocean, and Coupled data Assimilation (SOCA)
Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI)
Impacts of Observing Systems (IOS)
Organization and Programming of the Meeting
The 17th JCSDA Technical Review Meeting and Science Workshop will feature both oral and poster presentations. To promote awareness across all projects, no parallel sessions will be held. The agenda will provide time for every presenter to interact with the audience. Contributed and invited talks will address all current Projects and Scientific Priority Areas, as well as emerging ones. All JCSDA-funded external scientists are expected to attend to give an oral presentation summarizing their progress and plans for the coming year.
The agenda will include dedicated times for reviewing and discussing posters. However, posters will be mounted at the beginning of the meeting and will remain on display until through the conclusion, so participants can view and discuss the posters during breaks.