Follow up Workshop on a Pilot Design for Air Quality in Africa Logistics

Travel Support

Limited funding is available for US early career participants and organizers.

There is travel support available for African participants through the CMU-Africa program.  African participants should use this form to apply for travel support.

Organizing Committee

Photo of Solomon

Solomon Bililign
Organizing Committee Chair
Bililign at
Professor of Physics
North Carolina A&T State University

Research Interests: Bililign's research is focused on field and laboratory measurements of biomass burning aerosol properties to understand their impact on climate, Air quality and health.


Photo or Vernon

Vernon Morris
Organizing Committee Co-chair
vmorris at

School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University

Research Interests: Morris studies the chemical evolution of airborne mineral dust particulate during transport in the lower troposphere and its effects on aerobiology, air chemistry, and cloud properties in megacity and remote ocean environments.


Photo of Belay

Belay B. Demoz
Organizing Committee Co-chair
BDemoz at

Professor of Physics and Director - Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET)
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)

Research Interests: Demoz's research is focused on field observations and instrumentation as it relates to mesoscale dynamics and air quality networks as well as climate observation of the troposphere.


Photo of Akua

Akua Asa-Awuku
Organizing Committee Member
asaawuku at

Associate Professor
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park

Research Interests: Asa-Awuku's research investigates the aerosol water-uptake, cloud condensation nuclei activity, and hygroscopicity as it pertains to air quality, climate and health.


Photo of Francis

Francis Pope
Organizing Committee Member
f.pope at

Professor & Chair
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK

Research Interests: Pope’s research group is interested in the causes and effects of air pollution, and their links to climate change and resilient cities. A key geographic focus is East Africa.


Photo of Gizaw

Gizaw Mengistu Tsidu
Organizing Committee Member
mengistug at

Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Botswana International University of Science

Research interests: Tsidu's research uses models and observations from ground and space-based instruments to understand the driving dynamics and chemistry of atmospheric composition changes and their impact on climate and air quality. The atmospheric species of interest are greenhouse gases criterion pollutants as well as aerosols).


Photo of Frank

Frank Flocke
Organizing Committee Member
ffl at

Scientist III - Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Laboratory
National Center for Atmospheric Research

Research Interests: Frank’s research interests include atmospheric photochemistry, air quality, air pollution source attribution, aircraft instrumentation, and field experiment design.


Photo of Kassahun

Kassahun Ture
Organizing Committee Member
tkassa2010 at

Assistant Professor - Center for Environmental Science Addis Ababa University
Atmospheric Physics

Research interests: Focused on field and laboratory measurements of ambient air pollutants, weather and climate forecast.


Steven Brown head shot

Steven Brown
Organizing Committee Member
Steven.S.Brown at

Research Chemist - NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Research Chemist


Allen Robinson head shot

Allen Robinson
Organizing Committee Member
alr at

Director, Carnegie Mellon Universtiy-Africa
Raymond J. Lane Distinguished University Professor
Engineering and Public Policy, Mechanical Engineering

Associate Dean for International Programs in Africa, College of Engineering

Director, Center for Air, Climate and Energy Solutions


Dan Westervelt head shot

Dan Westervelt
Organizing Committee Member
danielmw at

Lamont Assistant Research Professor
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Research interests: Currently research spans from air quality and climate modeling to deployment and calibration of low cost sensors for air quality.  He leads several projects on air quality and climate change in Africa.


Pieternel head shot

Pieternel Levelt
Organizing Committee Member
levelt at

NCAR Associate Director, Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Lab

Expertise in atmospheric chemistry research and instrumentation, which includes putting two leading satellite instruments into space, plus her background heading an international team of researchers.