3rd Eddy Cross Disciplinary Symposium
Sun, Earth, Planet, Space, Atmosphere and Ocean

6:00 pm MDT
The Eddy Symposium Steering Committee is closely monitoring, in alignment with federal, state and local guidance, and The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), guidance related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We continue to plan for an in-person 3rd Eddy Cross-Disciplinary Symposium. If there are any changes to plans for the Symposium, we will give immediate notice.
For information on travel, click on travel logistics in the meeting menu. Please consider booking your hotel reservations soon. Summer is a busy time in Vail Village and guest rooms at the Lodge at Vail are limited.
Event Description
The purpose of the 3rd Eddy Cross Disciplinary Symposium is to convene diverse experts in geosciences, astrophysics, data science, and heliophysics with scientists worldwide to identify areas ripe for harvesting the rewards of decades of research studies in this era of Big Data and the challenges that need to be overcome. The focus of this event will be on processes in connected systems such as Sun-Earth relations, weather-climate connections, and novel star-planet interactions.
The overarching theme of the 3rd Eddy Symposium is "Why Grand Challenges in Solar Terrestrial Physics Require Open Science?" with a focus on:
- Open Science Methods: Emerging Open Science Methodologies
- The Interconnection of Sun, Climate, and Society
- Risk and Resiliency to Space Weather Disruption
- (Exo)Planetary Atmosphere: the Impact of Stars and Solar Physics on Habitability and Life
The meeting will be organized into morning plenary and afternoon working group sessions that will run over four and a half days. Monday through Thursday will consist of three morning hours in which experts will review opportunities in science, engineering and computer science; and four afternoon sessions spent in smaller groups working on exploring novel open science methods to explore pressing questions in the science focus areas listed above. Friday will consist of morning report out sessions.
Additional information on working groups can be found below.
Please continue to check the website for updates to the current agenda. The link can be found in the Meeting Menu.
Registration Deadline: Friday, May 13, 2022
Contributed Talk Abstract Deadline: Friday, April 8, 2022
Graduate Student & Postdoc Travel Funding Application Deadline: Friday, March 25, 2022
Information can be found below.
Working Groups
Open Science Methods: Emerging Open Science Methodologies Advances in data, software, and computing are enabling transformational, interdisciplinary science, changing the realm of possible questions. Open science is transparent and accessible knowledge that is shared and developed through collaborative networks [Vicente-Saez & Martinez-Fuentes 2018]. A central goal will be to connect the community of Open Science (e.g., open data, open source software, open access) to that of Heliophysics.
The overarching theme of the entire symposium, open science and its praxis run through the vital physical Heliophysics themes. We will treat Open Science as the set of guiding principles for how to transform the way we work to create the tools, adopt the practices, and move our communities toward them. Working groups will focus on three science focus areas including:
- The Interconnection of Sun, Climate, and Society When hoping to understand the behaviors of the Earth system, one needs to analyze not only how different components work together to form the behaviors of the whole system but also the behaviors of the individual parts. Without deep and specific comprehension of the behaviors of the individual parts, there will be no way to capture the behaviors of this complex system [Yi Lin et al., 2013]. This theme will, in part, emphasize a systems science approach to the Solar-Terrestrial connection, encompassing the immense range of spatial and temporal scales (from micro to system-wide, and from instantaneous to climatological) and their impacts. In centering the systems aspect of Earth System Science we will explore far-reaching interconnections within solar-terrestrial physics, including two-way connections to climate and society.
- Risk and Resiliency to Space Weather Disruption The complex interactions of the solar cloud of plasma with the near Earth space and terrestrial environment – “space weather” – holds tangible implications to our global, technological, and space-faring society. Heliophysics research faces a challenge and an exigent imperative to connect academia, industry, government, and end-users to together build societal resilience to the grand challenges that space weather poses. This theme will explore how space weather understanding and preparedness can be addressed through risk and resilience frameworks.
- (Exo)Planetary Atmosphere: the Impact of Stars and Solar Physics on Habitability and Life. The study of solar-terrestrial interactions has relevance that extends far beyond that of furthering our understanding of what has led to and shapes the environment we humans operate in. Understanding a star's interaction with the space and planets that surround it is fundamental to planetary science, exoplanetary discovery and characterization, and habitability in the universe. This theme will address a more capacious view of Heliophysics and attempt to understand the places in these interconnected disciplines where Heliophysics understanding must contribute.
Pre-Symposium Session
Our goal is to create an inclusive, cohesive, and enjoyable atmosphere for this event. To support that we would like to bring the participants together in a complimentary pre-symposium virtual gathering to get to know one another and introduce the material. This session will be held in May and will share the themes of the workshop and better help participants determine which one or few they would like to contribute to during the active work sessions during the in-person Symposium. We will use this opportunity to connect attendees to one another, possibly leading to research groups, and to introduce the concept of Open Science.
If you are interested in participating, please indicate your interest when you register for the Symposium. A specific date and additional details will be shared soon.
Symposium Contact
For further information please contact Shelley Rabern, UCAR/CPAESS Event Planner.
Eddy Symposium Steering Committee
- Dan Marsh (Co-chair), NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Laboratory
- Ryan McGranaghan (Co-chair), Orion Space Solutions, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (contractor)
- Madhulika Guhathakurta, NASA Headquarters
- Ankush Bhaskar, ISRO, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
- Rajesh Gupta, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego
- Meng Jin, Lockheed Martin
- King-Fai Li, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside
- Erika Palmerio, Predictive Science Inc.