4th Eddy Cross-Disciplinary Symposium Student Travel Support

Application / Abstract Deadline: August 29, 2023

Students applying for travel support need to submit an abstract. 

The Student Travel Support questions are included in the Abstract Submission Form.

Approximately 15 students - 3rd & 4th year undergraduates, graduate students, and early postdoctoral students (having received their PhD within the last 12 months) will be selected through a competitive process organized by the UCAR Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS). The Eddy Symposium lasts five days, and each participant selected to receive travel support receives full travel support, including registration fees, airline tickets, lodging, and per diem.

Successful candidates are:

  • Currently enrolled as a student (3rd & 4th year undergraduate students, and graduate students) or a recent postdoctoral Fellow (within 12 months of receiving a PhD)
  • Majoring in physics with an emphasis on astrophysics, geophysics, plasma physics, and space physics, or experienced in at least one of these areas.
  • Pursuing a career in heliophysics or astrophysics.
  • Have submitted a relevant abstract to the Eddy Symposium.

Apply for Travel Support

The following questions are included in the Abstract Submission Form.

  • A statement of motivation for attending this symposium and why you would benefit from travel support;
  • Short summaries of your education - including your current year of study or when your PhD was received, institutions/years, conference presentations, a list of publications, internships, and any additional information;
  • Name and email of advisor or supervisor;
  • Please have your advisor/supervisor email krodd@ucar.edu(link sends email) stipulating that they approve of you attending this symposium.