Space Weather Workshop 2025 Participant List
Updated on March 14, 2025.
There are 370 in person and 126 virtual registrations.
Note: not all who registered for the workshop wish to be listed here.
Name | Affiliation | In-person or Virtual Attendance |
Abate, Anthony | NYC Radio Collins Aerospace | V |
Adams, John | Allied Pilots Association | IP |
Adamson, Eric | NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center | IP |
Ajakaiye, Muyiwa Paul | Ariel University | IP |
Albarran, Robert | Electromancer Space Corporation | IP |
Albert, Jay | AFRL | V |
Algorabi, Maha | National Center for Meteorology | V |
Ali, Aatiya | Georgia State University | IP |
Allsopp, Robert | CIRES | IP |
Ambrose, Stephen | Alpha Omega LLC | V |
Andries, Jesse | World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | IP |
Arango, Camilo | Millersville University | IP |
Aronne, Mary | NASA/GMU | IP |
Auriemma, Sarah | CIRES | IP |
Azeem, Irfan | NOAA/SWO | V |
Bai, Xiaoli | Rutgers University | IP |
Bain, Hazel | CIRES CU | IP |
Balakrishnan, Asha | Science and Technology Policy Institute | IP |
Balch, Christopher | CU CIRES | IP |
BALOSSI, CLAUDIA | Politecnico di Milano | V |
Barrett, Arrann | U.S. Air Force Weather | IP |
Bauer, Jonathan | American Military University/US Army Space | V |
Beeck, Sarah | DTU Space - Technical University of Denmark | IP |
Benton, Eric | Oklahoma State University | IP |
Berdermann, Jens | German Aerospace Center | IP |
Berg, Steven | Computational Physics, Inc. (CPI) | IP |
Bergamin, Giorgio | INAF | V |
Berger, Thomas | University of Colorado Boulder | IP |
Berndt, Emily | NASA MSFC/SPoRT | IP |
Bertone, Sara | INAF - Turin Astrophysical Observatory | V |
Beser, Katarzyna | New Jersey Institute of Technology | IP |
Bettwy, Mike | SWPC | IP |
Biesecker, Douglas | NASA | IP |
BinAshour, Alya | Sharjah Academy of Astronomy, Space Sciences & Technology (SAASST) | V |
Bindi, Veronica | University of Hawaii | IP |
Bishop, Rebecca | The Aerospace Corporation | V |
Bisi, Mario | UKRI STFC RAL Space | IP |
Blackmore, Harry | United Kingdom Royal Air Force (Corporal) | IP |
Blum, Todd | USSF | IP |
Boudouridis, Athanasios | CU-CIRES | IP |
Brandt, Daniel | Michigan Technological University | IP |
Brasher, Bryan | NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center | IP |
Braun, John | UCAR/COSMIC | IP |
Brinkman, Douglas | The Aerospace Corporation | V |
Brinson, Ayeisha | IDA Science & Technology Policy Institute | IP |
Brocard, Philippe | Swift Navigation | IP |
Brooks, Keira | CU Boulder/LASP | IP |
Brown, Amanda | Delta Community College | V |
Brown, Matthew | University of Birmingham | IP |
Burkepile, Joan | National Center for Atmospheric Research | IP |
Butler, Elizabeth | Newly Independent | IP |
Buynovskiy, Anton | University of Colorado Boulder | IP |
Cade, Trey | Baylor University | IP |
Califf, Sam | CIRES/NCEI | IP |
Campanella, Cameron | The Weather Company | IP |
Camporeale, Enrico | University of Colorado | IP |
Cannon, James | University of Colorado Boulder | IP |
Capannolo, Luisa | Boston University | IP |
CAPPS, JACOB | West point | V |
Cariaga, Maria Laura | Servicio Meteorológico Nacional | V |
Carter, Hamilton | City College San Francisco | V |
Casali, Steve | Omitron | IP |
Chamberlin, Phillip | CU/LASP | IP |
Chambers, Rob | Lockheed Martin Space | IP |
Charo, Art | Space Studies Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine | V |
CHENG, CHING-CHUNG | University of Colorado at Boulder | IP |
Cheyne, Derek | SpaceX | IP |
Chiappina, Fabio | a.i. solutions | IP |
Cho, Kyung-Suk | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute | IP |
CHOY, SHUI CHUNG | Hong Kong Observatory | V |
Christiano, Marie | Self | V |
Clark, Richard | Millersville University | IP |
Clewer, Ben | Surrey Space Centre - University of Surrey | IP |
Cochrane, Corey | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | IP |
Codrescu, Mihail | Vector Space, LLC | IP |
Cohen, Christina | Caltech | IP |
Cohen, Ian | APL | IP |
Collado-Vega, Yaireska (Yari) | NOAA NESDIS SWO | V |
Conlon, Kieran | SPACEKEYS | IP |
Constant, Charles | University College London/ Space Environment Technologies | IP |
cook, michael | MITRE Corporation | IP |
Cordell, Darcy | University of Alberta | V |
Corry, Arianna | University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa | IP |
Costa, Joaquim | National Institute for Space Research - INPE | IP |
Cox, Jeff | Aerospace Corporation | IP |
Curry, Shannon | CU Boulder / LASP | IP |
da Silva, Daniel | NASA, UMBC | IP |
Dahl, Shawn | NWS/SWPC | IP |
DAKEYO, Jean-Baptiste | Space Science Laboratory | IP |
Damiani, Brian | RTX Raytheon | IP |
DANDENAULT, PATRICK | Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory | IP |
Dasso, Sergio | IAFE (UBA-CONICET) | V |
Davis, Aspen | CU/CIRES | IP |
de Nolfo, Georgia | NASA GSFC | IP |
DE TOMA, Giuliana | NCAR/HAO | IP |
Deacon, Michael | Corporate Business Aviation Aircrew | V |
Derr, Jason | United States Military Academy | V |
Dey, Soumyajit | The University of Texas at Dallas | IP |
DiBraccio, Gina | NASA GSFC | IP |
Dickinson, Tammy | Science Matters Consulting | IP |
diLorenzo, Brandon | Space Environment Technologies | IP |
Dissauer, Karin | NorthWest Research Associates | IP |
Dodani, Ratina | CIRES | IP |
Doornbos, Eelco | KNMI, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute | IP |
Döringhoff, Raphael | Lufthansa | IP |
Dredger, Pauline | University of Michigan Ann Arbor | IP |
Durgonics, Tibor | CU CIRES | IP |
Edwards, Stefan | Red Point Security | V |
Ehresmann, Bent | SwRI Boulder | IP |
Elliott, Heather | Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio TX | IP |
Elvidge, Sean | SERENE, University of Birmingham | IP |
Eparvier, Francis | Univ. Colorado - LASP | IP |
Fang, Tzu-Wei | NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center | IP |
Farias, Camila | Servicio Meteorológico Nacional | V |
Fedrick, Kelvin | CU/CIRES | IP |
Fedrizzi, Mariangel | University of Colorado/CIRES and NOAA/SWPC | IP |
Ferdousi, Banafsheh | AFRL | V |
Fields, Sara | a.i. solutions | IP |
Fiori, Robyn | Natural Resources Canada | V |
Fisher, Jonathan | Fifth Gait Technologies, Inc. | IP |
Fitzpatrick, David | University of Colorado Boulder | IP |
Flynn, Rondeau | Allied Pilots Association | IP |
Foust, Jeff | SpaceNews | IP |
Franco-Diaz, Eframir | CPI | IP |
Fredrick, Espen | University of Texas at Arlington | IP |
Fuller-Rowell, Dominic | CIRES - CU Boulder | IP |
Fuller-Rowell, Tim | CIRES | IP |
Furioso, Nicholas | University of Florida | IP |
Fuselier, Stephen | Southwese Research Institute | IP |
Galarza, David | University of Florida | IP |
Galloy, Michael | NSF NCAR/HAO | IP |
Gan, Longzhi | Boston University | IP |
Garland, Seth | USAF - 2nd Weather Squadron | V |
Gasbarro, Marc | NOAA/NESDIS (STC) | V |
GIBBS, MARK | Met Office | IP |
Gibson, Jessica | space weather solutions | V |
Gilbert, Holly | NCAR/HAO | IP |
Gomez Socola, Josemaria | UT Dallas | IP |
Goodwin, Griffin | Georgia State University | IP |
Gordon, Brent | NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center | IP |
Grazier, Kevin | United States Military Academy | V |
Green, Janet | The Aerospace Corporation | IP |
Griffin, Ty | Kansas State University | IP |
Griffin, Briley | Rock Creek High School | IP |
Griffin, Norah | 21CCCS | V |
Griffin, Terry | Kansas State University | IP |
Griffin, Austin | Kansas State University | IP |
Groswald, Lewis | NSF NCAR | IP |
Guerra, Jordan | CU/CIRES | IP |
Guild, Timothy | The Aerospace Corporation | IP |
Günzkofer, Florian | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | IP |
Habbal, Shadia | Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii | V |
Hami, Maryam | NorthWest Research Associates | V |
Hamil, Dillon | DHS CISA | V |
Harasymiw, Cindy | Manitoba Aurora Explorers (Manitoba Aurora Maverick, Aurora Forecaster) | V |
Harris, Christian | Space Weather Trackers | IP |
Harris, Gettys | HQ Air Combat Command Weather Operations Division | V |
Hartinger, Chris | T-Mobile | V |
Hartinger, Michael | Space Science Institute | IP |
Hassler, Don | Southwest Research Institute | IP |
Hazel, Shane | 427 RS | IP |
Heiny, Daniele | Innovim: NOAA SWO | V |
Henderson, Michael | Computational Physics Inc | IP |
Hertz, Kennady | NOAA / University of Mississippi | V |
Hess Webber, Shea | Stanford/COFFIES | IP |
Heymann, Frank | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | IP |
Hicks, Joshua | Allied Pilots Association | IP |
Hicks, John | JHU/APL | IP |
Hill, Steven | NOAA/SWPC | IP |
Hindriksen, Dwain | National Emergency Management Agency New Zealand | IP |
Ho, George | Southwest Research Institue | IP |
Horaites, Kosta | CIRES | IP |
Hori, Aina | NOAA NESDIS | IP |
Horne, Richard | British Antarctic Survey | IP |
Housseal, Sara | USAF Space Weather Operations Center | V |
Howard, Samantha | SpOC/S33Z | IP |
Huang, Zhenguang | University of Michigan | IP |
Hudson, Mary | Dartmouth College | V |
Hughes, Jeramy | FieldLine Industries Inc | IP |
Hurlburt, Neal | LM ATC | IP |
Idosa, Chali | University of Alabama in Huntsville | IP |
Ingram, James | United Kingdom Royal Air Force (Flight Lieutenant) | IP |
Ishii, Mamoru | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology /ISEE Nagoya Univ. | IP |
Isleib, Keith | Meteorology club alum | V |
Jackson, Bernard | A&A / UCSD | IP |
Jain, Kiran | National Solar Observatory, | IP |
Janalizadeh, Reza | NASA GSFC | IP |
Jarvis, Alison | CIRES | IP |
Jayachandran, P. T | University of New Brunswick | IP |
Jeffery, Christopher | Los Alamos National Laboratory | IP |
Johnson, Benjamin | NSF NCAR | IP |
Johnson, Steve | Space Radiation Analysis Group/Johnson Space Center | IP |
Johnson, Jeff | SWPC | IP |
K C, SANJIB | Georgia State University | IP |
Kachadurian, Maria | NERC | IP |
Karalliyadda, Sapthala | GNS Science | V |
Karasinski, Tyler | Arizona State University | IP |
Karna, Nishu | Center For Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian | V |
Karol, Svetlana | CIRES | V |
Keebler, Timothy | University of Michigan | IP |
Kelly, Jonathan | NASA | IP |
Keppler, Georg | | V |
Keys, Catherine | Maxar Space Systems | IP |
Kiczenski, Marybeth | Millersville University | IP |
Kim, Jeong-Heon | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute | IP |
Kimoto, Yugo | JAXA | V |
Knipp, Delores | CU Boulder Aerospace Engineering Sciences Dept | IP |
Knuth, Jenny | SWx TREC, LASP, CU Boulder | IP |
Korreck, Kelly | NASA | IP |
Kosak, Mary | a.i. Solutions | IP |
Kottmyer, Alice | U.S. Department of State | V |
Kress, Brian | CU CIRES | IP |
Kubaryk, Adam | CIRES | IP |
Kubo, Yuki | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | IP |
Kuhla, Diane | MITRE Corporation | IP |
Kummer, Allen | Pulsar Space Systems | IP |
Kursinski, Emil | PlanetiQ | IP |
Kwak, Young-Sil | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute | IP |
Landwer, Lois | CIRES | IP |
Larsson, Ian | NESO | IP |
Latocha, Marcin | Seibersdorf Laboratories | IP |
Lauzon, Thomas | USG | IP |
Leamon, Robert | Lynker Space | IP |
Lee, I-Te | Taiwan Space Agency | IP |
Lee, Christina | Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley | IP |
Lee, Kerry | The Aerospace Corporation | V |
Lee, Po-Han | Central Weather Administration | IP |
Leka, KD | NWRA and ISEE/Nagoya University, Japan | IP |
Leme, Rodrigo | CENSIPAM | IP |
Leonard, Trevor | CU CIRES | IP |
Levisohn, Maya | NASA GSFC | V |
Lewis, Catherine | Millersville University | IP |
Li, Zhuxiao | NOAA/SWPC | IP |
Lim, Hong Wei Kelvin | National University of Singapore | V |
Linker, Jon | Predictive Science Inc. | IP |
Lippi, Sara | Cuyahoga County Office of Emergency Management | V |
Liu, Hanli | NCAR/HAO | IP |
Liu, Ying | CU CIRES | IP |
Longmore, Scott | CIRES | IP |
Loper, Robert | NASA MSFC | V |
Lopez, Ramon | The University of Texas at Arlington | IP |
Loucks, Diana | United States Military Academy | IP |
Lucas, Greg | LASP / SWx TREC | IP |
Luntama, Juha-Pekka | European Space Agency | IP |
Luther, Steve | Millersville University SWEN Program | IP |
Lyke, Sarah | NOAA - Space Weather Prediction Center | IP |
Lyons, Lisa | SUNY Albany | V |
Mabie, Justin | 4th State Communications | IP |
Mac Manus, Daniel | University of Otago | IP |
MacAlester, Mark | CISA | IP |
Macelhaney, Kevin | Allied Pilots Association | IP |
Machin, Simon | Met Office | IP |
Makgatle, Katlego | South African National Space Agency | IP |
Mangeard, Pierre-Simon | University of Delaware | IP |
Marbois (she/her), Tori | Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics | IP |
Marshall, James | INNOVIM / NOAA NESDIS SWO | V |
Martin, Jenna | Amentum | IP |
Martinez, Ramblyn | Civilian Observer | V |
Martinkus, Charlotte | CU/CIRES | IP |
Mason, Emily | Predictive Science Inc. | V |
Maute, Aastrid | University of Colorado Boulder / SWPC | IP |
Maze, Brianna | WVU | V |
MBA NKILLI, Leonel | Civil Aviation Authority of Gabon | IP |
McCormack, David | Natural Resources Canada | IP |
McCormick, Jackson | Ensemble Space Labs | IP |
McCown, Pamela | EarthCast Technologies | IP |
McCrossan, Benjamin | Ensemble Space Labs | IP |
McCuen, Brett | Aerospace Corporation | IP |
McGhee, Zane | Booz Allen Hamilton | IP |
McIntosh, Scott | Lynker Space | IP |
McNair, Michael | PhD Student: Capitol Technology University | IP |
McQuone, Lauren | 2d Weather Squadron (2 WS) | IP |
Meier, Matthias M. | German Aerospace Center | IP |
Melnik, Tanya | Millersville University | IP |
Meriwether, John | New Jersey Institute of Tech | V |
Merrow, Cindy | Stellar Solutions, Inc. | V |
Mertens, Christopher | NASA LaRC | IP |
Metz, Amy | Millersville University | V |
Miesch, Mark | CU CIRES | IP |
Miles, Nathan | CU CIRES | IP |
Millan, Robyn | Dartmouth | IP |
Miller, Margaux | NASA | IP |
Miller, Taylor | Catholic University/UCAR | IP |
Miller, Shawn | Raytheon | IP |
Millward, George | NOAA | IP |
Mitsuda, Chihiro | Fujitsu Limited / Nagoya University | V |
Modlin, Norman | The Aerospace Corp. | V |
Moldwin, Mark | University of Michigan | IP |
Monham, Andrew | EUMETSAT | IP |
Moody, Jay | USSF Space Systems Command | V |
Moreland, Kimberly | CU CIRES | IP |
Morley, Steven | Los Alamos National Laboratory | IP |
Mthethwa, Abigail | South African National Space Agency | IP |
Muhlestein, Briana | Space Weather Prediction Center | IP |
Mulligan, Patricia | NOAA/MITRE | V |
Mutschler, Shaylah | Space Environment Technologies (SET) | IP |
Nakasone, Mark | CIRES | IP |
Natsheh, Feras | The New Mexico Consortium (NMC) | IP |
Negus, Jimmy | CU Boulder/ NOAA Affiliate | IP |
Neitzel, Eric | San Joaquin Delta College | V |
Newell, Joe | BI Incorporated | IP |
Nguyen, Vu | Spire Global | IP |
Nichols, Ben | NOAA/NWS Space Weather Prediction Center | IP |
Niembro, Tatiana | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory | V |
Nishizuka, Naoto | NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) | IP |
novak, jarred | DTRA/SPA | IP |
OBrien, Paul | Aerospace | V |
O'Connor, Amanda | NV5 | IP |
Odstrcil, Dusan | GMU & NASA/GSFC | IP |
Olson, Mark | North American Electric Reliability Corp | IP |
Ortiz, Mike | Terran Orbital | V |
Oughton, Edward | George Mason University | IP |
Pacada, Mya | 732 OSS / USAF | IP |
Pacini, Alessandra | NOAA / NCEI | IP |
Park, Inkwan | Amazon Kuiper | V |
Parker, William | MIT | IP |
Patel, Kasha | The Washington Post | IP |
Pattenden, Lisa | Lynker Space | V |
Peck, Courtney | Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado - Boulder | IP |
Penton, Steven | LASP | IP |
Perez-Duran, Adolfo | Orange Monk Labs | IP |
Perron, Patrick | natural resources canada | V |
Peters, Emmett | CU Boulder | IP |
Petersen, Alicia | University of Florida | IP |
Peterson, Noah | SWORD/ UC Boulder | IP |
Pevtsov, Alexei | National Solar Observatory | IP |
Pham, Kevin | NCAR/HAO | IP |
Pilinski, Marcin | CU/LASP | IP |
Player, Violet | CIRES | IP |
Polunina, Anna | LWL-Klinik Paderborn | V |
Pothier McGillivray, Nicole | Carrington Shield Strategies, LLC | IP |
Pradata, Rayta | University of Delaware | V |
Prattley, Louisa | National Emergency Management Agency NZ | V |
Pulkkinen, Antti | NASA GSFC | IP |
Raback-Schink, Benjamin | Defense Threat Reduction Agency | IP |
Raeder, Jimmy | UNH Space Science Center | IP |
Ramos, Christian Ramos | US Space Force | IP |
Ramos, Christopher | Penn State University | IP |
Rasca, Anthony | CU/CIRES | IP |
Raza, Syed | The University of Alabama in Huntsville | IP |
Reeves, Katharine | Harvard Smithsonian CfA | IP |
Reeves, Geoffrey | The New Mexico Consortium | IP |
Reid, Lois | LeoLabs | IP |
Renton, Andrew | Transpower | IP |
Richter, Jadwiga (Yaga) | NSF NCAR | IP |
Rodger, Craig | University of Otago | IP |
Rodriguez, Juan | University of Colorado CIRES | IP |
Roper, Lee | American Airlines | IP |
Rose, Randy | Southwest Research Institute | IP |
Ross, John | 2d Weather Squadron (2 WS) | IP |
Ross, Katherine | STPI | IP |
Sadykov, Viacheslav | Georgia State University | IP |
Sanders, Jerry | HQ SpOC/S35SE (USSF) | V |
Sanders, Kayla | SOCOM | IP |
Sandoval, Laura | LASP | IP |
Sangha, Harneet | UK Space Agency | V |
Sanks, Jaime | NA | V |
Savage, Sabrina | NASA HQ | IP |
Scheibinger, Markus | Lufthansa German Airlines | IP |
Schennetten, Kai | German Aerospace Center | IP |
Shambaugh, Scott | Leonid Space | IP |
Shank, Janelle | N/A | V |
Shepperd, Ryan | Iridium | V |
Shneider, Carl | SpaSys-SnT, University of Luxembourg | V |
Siao, Huei-Wen | Center Weather Administration, Taiwan | IP |
Sievers, Klaus | VC - German Airline Pilots´ Association | V |
Siewert, Chris | SWPC | IP |
Simon, Joseph | American Public University System | V |
Singer, Howard | Space Weather Prediction Center | IP |
Skov, Tamitha | Beyond Space; Millersville University | IP |
Slater, Lindsey | WISN 12 News | V |
Smith, Liam | Georgia Institute of Technology | IP |
Snow, Martin | University of Colorado Boulder / LASP | IP |
Souza de Lima, Alexsandro | Institutional Security Office of Brazil | IP |
Spann, Jim | NOAA NESDIS SWO | V |
Spanswick, Emma | University of Calgary | IP |
Spencer, Monty | NOAA/NWS/SWPC | IP |
St. Hilaire, Ricardo | Attorney / Solar Observer | V |
Steenburgh, Robert | NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center | IP |
Stickrod, Jaclyn | SWPC | IP |
Strider, Samuel | USAF | IP |
Sturdevant, Luke | OSR | V |
Sutton, Eric | University of Colorado | IP |
Takasaki, Hiroyuki | Kyoto University | V |
TAKASAKI, EIKO | ANA (All Nippon Airways) | IP |
Tallman, Michael | United States Military Academy | IP |
Taylor, Wesley | Millersville University of Pennsylvania | V |
Tenishev, Valeriy | Marshall Space Flight Center | IP |
Thayer, Jeffrey | University of Colorado | IP |
Thomas, Dean | George Mason University | IP |
Tobiska, Susan | Space Environment Technologies | IP |
Tobiska, W. Kent | Space Environment Technologies | IP |
Torri, Giuseppe | University of Hawaii | IP |
Turner, Elisa | MITRE | IP |
Ullman, Richard | NOAA/ NESDIS | V |
Valenti, Ricardo | Fuerza Aérea Argentina | V |
Vandegriff, Jon | JHU Applied Physics Lab | IP |
Varesano, Tania | SWRI / CU Boulder | IP |
Velie, Nancy | L3Harris Technologies | V |
Viereck, Rodney | CU CIRES | IP |
Vievering, Juliana | Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory | IP |
Vincent, Mark | Raytheon/JPL | IP |
Vitale, Steven | United States Military Academy | V |
Waghmare, Arnav | Student - CPCC | V |
Waghule, Bhagyashree | CU Boulder (Aerospace Engineering) | IP |
Waldron, Zach | SpaceNav | IP |
Walker, Shannon | Booz Allen Hamilton | IP |
Walker, Cheryl | Aerospace | V |
Wallace, Clinton | Space Weather Prediction Center | IP |
Wang, Nai-Yu | NOAA NESDIS SWO | V |
Wei, Cecilia | MITRE Corporation | IP |
Weigel, Robert | George Mason University | IP |
Welling, Daniel | University of Michigan | IP |
Westlake, Joe | NASA | IP |
Whitney Aegerter, Taylor | Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, CU Boulder | IP |
Wilbanks, Kathryn | University of Michigan | IP |
Willer, Anna | DTU Space | V |
Willis, Michael | UK Space Agency | IP |
Wilson, Greg | EarthCast Technologies | IP |
Wilson, Thomas | National Emergency Management Agency New Zealand | IP |
Wiltberger, Michael | NSF NCAR/HAO | IP |
Winter-Baek, Lisa | NASA | IP |
Witze, Alexandra | Nature | IP |
WONG, YAT CHUN | Hong Kong Observatory | V |
Wu, Chin Chun | Naval Research Laboratory | IP |
yalda, sepideh | Millersville University | IP |
Yizengaw, Endawoke | Aerospace Corporation | V |
Yoon, kichang | Korea Space Weather Center, KASA | IP |
Young, Shawn | Air Force Research Laboratory | V |
Young, C. Alex | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | V |
Zhan, Weijia | SWx TREC, CU Boulder | IP |
Zhao, Lulu | University of Michigan | IP |