Space Weather Workshop 2025 Participant List


Number registered: 202 (updated on February 11, 2025)

Note: not all who registered for the workshop wish to be listed here.

Name Affiliation In-person or Virtual Attendance
Abbott, Richard Space Based Environmental Monitoring IP
Abdullahi, Director Abdirizak   IP
Adams, John Allied Pilots Association IP
Ajakaiye, Muyiwa Paul Ariel University IP
Akiyama, Sanae NICT V
Akpeji, Kingsley National Energy System Operator (NESO), UK IP
Albarran, Robert Electromancer Space Corporation IP
Ale, Bhairab Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University V
Ali, Aatiya Georgia State University IP
Allsopp, Robert CIRES/NOAA IP
Andries, Jesse World Meteorological Organization (WMO) IP
Arango, Camilo Millersville University IP
Auriemma, Sarah CIRES IP
Bai, Xiaoli Rutgers University IP
Bain, Hazel CIRES CU Boulder/NOAA SWPC IP
Balakrishnan, Asha Science and Technology Policy Institute IP
Balch, Christopher SWPC/CIRES IP
bbub, jiui gygyu V
Beeck, Sarah DTU Space - Technical University of Denmark IP
Benson, Jennifer USAF 2d Weather Squadron (2 WS) IP
Benton, Eric Oklahoma State University IP
Berdermann, Jens German Aerospace Center IP
Berg, Steven Computational Physics, Inc. (CPI) IP
Berger, Thomas University of Colorado Boulder IP
Biesecker, Douglas NASA IP
Bisi, Mario UKRI STFC RAL Space IP
Brown, Amanda Delta Community College V
Camporeale, Enrico University of Colorado IP
Cariaga, Maria Laura Servicio Meteorológico Nacional V
Chabot, Jean Yves Jean Yves Chabot V
CHOY, SHUI CHUNG Hong Kong Observatory V
Clark, Richard Millersville University IP
Clewer, Ben Surrey Space Centre - University of Surrey IP
Cochran, Bryan USSPACECOM J85 IP
Cochrane, Corey Jet Propulsion Laboratory IP
Codrescu, Mihail Vector Space, LLC IP
Conlon, Kieran SPACEKEYS IP
Copp, Tracy US Space Force IP
Corry, Arianna University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa IP
da Silva, Daniel NASA, UMBC IP
DANDENAULT, PATRICK Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory IP
Derr, Jason United States Military Academy V
Dethlefsen, Daniel USAF 335 TRS IP
DiBraccio, Gina NASA GSFC IP
Dickinson, Tammy Science Matters Consulting IP
Dodani, Ratina CIRES/SWPC IP
Doornbos, Eelco KNMI, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute IP
Dratwa, Christian Vereinigung Cockpit IP
Durgonics, Tibor NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center IP
Eaton, Kevin AF/A3W V
Edwards, Stefan Red Point Security V
EL BAHRAOUI, MAROUANE University Caddi Ayyad, FSSM, Marrakesh, Morocco. IP
Elliott, Heather Southwest Research Institute IP
Elliott, Heather Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio TX IP
Farias, Camila Servicio Meteorológico Nacional V
Fedrick, Kelvin CU/CIRES IP
Fedrizzi, Mariangel University of Colorado/CIRES and NOAA/SWPC IP
Flynn, Rondeau Allied Pilots Association IP
Franco-Diaz, Eframir CPI IP
Fuller-Rowell, Dominic CIRES / SWPC IP
Fuller-Rowell, Tim SWPC/CIRES IP
Furioso, Nicholas University of Florida IP
Galarza, David University of Florida IP
Gan, Longzhi Boston University IP
Geels, Brendan USGS IP
George, Jeffrey Los Alamos National Laboratory IP
Gilbert, Holly NCAR/HAO IP
Goodwin, Griffin Georgia State University IP
Gordon, Brent NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center IP
Gordon, Jennie   IP
Green, Janet The Aerospace Corporation IP
Griffin, Austin Kansas State University IP
Griffin, Briley Rock Creek High School IP
Griffin, Terry Kansas State University IP
Griffin, Ty Kansas State University IP
Habbal, Shadia Institute for Astronomy/UH IP
Harasymiw, Cindy Manitoba Aurora Explorers (Manitoba Aurora Maverick, Aurora Forecaster) V
Harris, Christian Space Weather Trackers IP
Hassan, Ali Ministry of environment and Climate Somalia Meteorology Department IP
Henderson, Michael Computational Physics Inc IP
Hicks, John JHU/APL IP
Hicks, Joshua Allied Pilots Association IP
Ho, George Southwest Research Institue IP
Holt, Laura   IP
Horaites, Kosta CIRES/NOAA IP
Horne, Richard British Antarctic Survey IP
Hurlburt, Neal LM ATC IP
Idosa, Chali University of Alabama in Huntsville IP
Ishii, Mamoru National Institute of Information and Communications Technology /ISEE Nagoya Univ. IP
Jackson, Bernard A&A / UCSD IP
Johnson, Jeff SWPC/CIRES IP
K C, SANJIB Georgia State University IP
Karasinski, Tyler Arizona State University IP
Keppler, Georg V
Kiczenski, Marybeth Millersville University IP
Korreck, Kelly NASA IP
Kress, Brian NOAA_NCEI and CIRES at CU Boulder IP
Krista, Larisza University of Colorado/CIRES, NOAA/NCEI IP
Landwer, Lois CIRES NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center IP
Lauzon, Thomas USG IP
Leamon, Robert Lynker Space IP
Leme, Rodrigo CENSIPAM IP
Leonard, Trevor CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder / NOAA NCEI IP
Lewis, Catherine Millersville University IP
Li, Zhuxiao NOAA/SWPC IP
Lim, Hong Wei Kelvin National University of Singapore V
Lippi, Sara Cuyahoga County Office of Emergency Management V
Liu, Ying CIRES, CU Boulder, and NOAA NCEI IP
Longmore, Scott SWPC / CIRES IP
Loper, Robert NASA MSFC IP
Lotoaniu, Paul University of Colorado CIRES IP
Loucks, Diana United States Military Academy IP
Luther, Steve Millersville University SWEN Program IP
Mac Manus, Daniel University of Otago IP
MacAlester, Mark CISA IP
Macelhaney, Kevin Allied Pilots Association IP
Machin, Simon Met Office IP
Martinez, Ramblyn Civilian Observer V
Martinkus, Charlotte CU/CIRES NOAA/SWPC IP
Maute, Aastrid University of Colorado Boulder / SWPC IP
MBA NKILLI, Leonel Civil Aviation authority of Gabon IP
McCown, Pamela EarthCast Technologies IP
McCrossan, Benjamin Ensemble Space Labs IP
McIntosh, Scott Lynker Space IP
McQuone, Lauren 2d Weather Squadron (2 WS) IP
Melnik, Tanya Millersville University IP
Mertens, Christopher NASA LaRC IP
Miesch, Mark CIRES/Univ. Colorado IP
Miller, Shawn Raytheon IP
Millward, George NOAA/SWPC CU/CIRES IP
Moldwin, Mark University of Michigan IP
Monham, Andrew EUMETSAT IP
Moreland, Kimberly CU Boulder CIRES/NOAA SWPC IP
Mutschler, Shaylah Space Environment Technologies (SET) IP
Nakasone, Mark SWPC/NOAA IP
Natsheh, Feras The New Mexico Consortium (NMC) IP
Negus, Jimmy CU Boulder/ NOAA Affiliate IP
Nelson, Arthur 335 TRS/UOA IP
Niembro, Tatiana Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory V
O'Connor, Amanda NV5 IP
OBrien, Paul Aerospace IP
Ortiz, Mike Terran Orbital V
Pattenden, Lisa Lynker Space V
Payeur TEST, Maggie TEST UCAR IP
Perez-Duran, Adolfo Orange Monk Labs IP
Pilinski, Marcin CU/LASP IP
Pitts, Gregory TDI-USA Holdings LLC V
Polunina, Anna LWL-Klinik Paderborn V
Pradata, Rayta University of Delaware V
Pulkkinen, Antti NASA GSFC IP
Raback-Schink, Benjamin Defense Threat Reduction Agency IP
Ramos, Christian Ramos US Space Force IP
Ramos, Christopher Penn State University IP
Raza, Syed The University of Alabama in Huntsville IP
Reeves, Geoffrey The New Mexico Consortium IP
Renton, Andrew Transpower IP
Rodger, Craig University of Otago IP
Rose, Randy Southwest Research Institute IP
Ross, John 2d Weather Squadron (2 WS) IP
Ross, Katherine STPI IP
Rutledge, Robert Aerospace Corp. IP
Sanders, Kayla SOCOM IP
Sandoval, Laura LASP IP
Sanks, Jaime NA V
Schennetten, Kai German Aerospace Center IP
Sherman, Michael Fleet Technical Support Center, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard V
Slater, Lindsey WISN 12 News V
Smith, Liam Georgia Institute of Technology IP
Sowders, David USAF V
St. Hilaire, Ricardo Attorney / Solar Observer V
Stickrod, Jaclyn SWPC IP
Sturdevant, Luke OSR V
Takasaki, Hiroyuki Kyoto University V
Tesfu, Tesfay Yemane NASA, GSFC IP
Thomas, Dean George Mason University IP
Viloria, Bert DOC/NOAA/NWS IP
Vincent, Mark Raytheon/JPL IP
Vitale, Steven United States Military Academy IP
Waghmare, Arnav Student - CPCC V
Waghule, Bhagyashree CU Boulder (Aerospace Engineering) IP
Wilbanks, Kathryn University of Michigan IP
Willis, Michael UK Space Agency IP
Wilson, Greg EarthCast Technologies IP
Wiltberger, Michael NSF NCAR/HAO IP
Wilton, Glenn AES Indiana V
Winter-Baek, Lisa NASA IP
Witze, Alexandra Nature IP
Wu, Chin Chun Naval Research Laboratory IP
Wu, Chin-Chun Naval Research laboratory IP
yalda, sepideh Millersville University IP
Zafar, Qudsia Global Climate-Change Impact Studies Centre V
Zelt, Allen US Space Command IP
Zhan, Weijia SWx TREC, CU Boulder IP



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