Space Weather Workshop 2025 SWPC Tours

Experience an exclusive guided tour of NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, CO. Back by popular demand, this tour offers a unique opportunity to delve into the world of space weather forecasting. From solar storms to geomagnetic activity, discover how the center plays a crucial role in safeguarding our planet. Two Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) tours will be offered; one on Tuesday, 3/18, one on Thursday, 3/20. Please note that transportation will be provided from the Embassy Suites. We have increased our capacity this year to 35 participants. Reservations can be made during the registration process and will operate on a first-come, first-served basis. Please make sure to reserve your spot as early as possible and respond promptly to any follow-up requests or your reservation may be forfeited.  Ensure that you bring your government issued ID and complete all required security documents by the specified deadline. Lunch will not be provided and the tour overlaps with the first talks of the afternoon session.  Please note that processing for Foreign Nationals will be more lengthy and additional information will be requested.  

These tours will take place over the lunch hour and extending into the SWW program.   You will need to plan meals around the tour. No food options are available at SWPC.  Transportation will be provided.

Security Procedures for SWPC Tour Visitors

  • Visitors are required to sign in and receive a visitor badge from the Visitors Center.
  • Visitors to the site who are U.S. citizens must present a U.S. photo ID, such as a current state driver's license.  Other accepted forms of ID are listed below.
  • Foreign Nationals must present a valid passport or a permanent resident ID ("green card") and will be subject to additional screening after registration.
  • All IDs must be originals only -- no photocopies accepted.
  • Effective July 21, 2014, under the REAL ID Act of 2005, federal agencies can only accept a state-issued driver's license or identification card for access to federal facilities if issued by states that are REAL ID compliant or have an extension. You can find more information on the Department of Homeland Security web site. 

Other accepted forms of ID include:

  • Passport
  • Passport card
  • DOD CAC card
  • Federal Agency HSPD-12 IDs
  • Veterans ID
  • Military ID
  • Military Dependents ID
  • Trusted Traveler card - Global Entry, SENTRI, or NEXUS
  • Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC)



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