Drought and Aquatic Ecosystems in the Southeast Workshop Presentations
Day 1 - Tuesday, January 7
Session 1: Setting the stage: Drought and Water Trends in the Southeast
- Perspectives on drought impacts. Jeff Lineberger, Duke Energy
- Precipitation and Droughts in the Southeast. Lee Ellenburg, Alabama State Climate Office, University of Alabama at Huntsville
- Historical flow trends and the future of water science needs. Caleb Mitchell, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) South Atlantic Water Science Center
Session 3: Understanding water management in low-flow conditions
- Overview of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers operations during low flow conditions in the Southeast. Matthew Parrish, USACE South Atlantic Division
- Basin level response: Case study from the Apalachicola - Chattahoochee - Flint (ACF) River Basin. Troy Ephriam, USACE Mobile District
- Sustainable Rivers Program at Jordan Lake. Ashley Hatchell, USACE Wilmington District
Session 4: Integrating Science and Management Needs for Drought in Aquatic Systems
- Building Flow-Ecology Relationships. Daren Carlisle, USGS Water Resources Mission Area
- Defining and applying ecologically based low flow thresholds in a management context. Laura Rack, University of Georgia
Day 2 - Wednesday, January 8
Session 6: Case studies on collaborative planning and management
Session 7: Tools and resources that can be applied in the Southeast
Demonstration of Streamflow Drought Prediction Tool. John Hammond, USGS MD-DE-DC Water Science Center
Session 10: Applications of Future Low-Flow Models in the Southeast
- What do we know and not know about the future of water in the Southeast? Kasia Nikiel, ORISE / USGS Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center
- Drought impacts on Chesapeake Bay Ecological Communities. Taylor Woods, USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center
Modeling Flow-Ecology Changes in South Carolina and across the region. Michele Eddy, RTI International
Session 11: Working towards aquatic resilience and adaptation to future low-flow events
Rheophily — What Happens When the Flow Stops? Dave Penrose, Penrose Environmental Consulting LLC