CPAESS Associate Scientist, Christoper Ridener has been busy perfecting the new version of the National Weather Service’s (NWS) GIS Viewer application.
UCAR | CPAESS and NASA are excited to welcome five new postdoctoral fellows who will be beginning their interdisciplinary research projects contributing to the field of heliophysics as the 2023 NASA Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellows!
May 24, 2023: Marcela Ulate, CPAESS Project Scientist, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) "Impact of Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter Scheme on the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability (Navy ESPC) in predicting the Madden Julian Oscillation during 2017" Watch Marcela's seminar recording
CPAESS Scientist and Marine Archeologist Phil Hartmeyer describes the Okeanos' search for the SS Larry Doheny on NOAA's Ocean Explorations Shakedown voyage.