Lower Atmospheric Observing Facilities Workshop

Agenda Track


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Monday 18 June
  (Click on the titles to see presentation in PDF format)
0800 Brief Opening Remarks – L. Avallone, NSF; V. Grubišić, EOL
0815 Current NSF/AGS Lower Atmospheric Observing Facilities and Services (25+5)
  Surface-based facilities (EOL, CSU, CSWR) S. Cohn, EOL
  Aircraft (WYO, NPS/CIRPAS, NCAR) A. Rodi, U. Wyoming
  Data Services M. Daniels, EOL
0945 Break (25 minutes)
1010 Emerging Technologies/Platforms (12+3)
  A10 aircraft H. Jonsson, NPS/CIRPAS
  COSMOS M. Zreda, U. Arizona
  DIAL Thermodynamic Profiling K. Repasky, MT State U.
  CASA D. McLaughlin, U. Mass.
  HCR, HSRL J. Vivekanandan, EOL
1125 Atmospheric Chemistry Instrumentation(20+5) A. Guenther, NCAR/ACD
1150 Other Agency Facilities (15+5)
  DOE ARM Beat Schmid, Pacific NW Nat'l. Laboratory
  NOAA Russ Schnell, NOAA ESRL
1230 Buffet Lunch (payment required for NCAR and federal employees - *see more information)
1315 Topical Lectures (30+5)  
  Terrestrial Interface (ABL, Bio, Hydro, Urban) D. Baldocchi, U. California, Berkeley
  Ocean Interface (Phys, Chem, Biochem) R. Weller, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.
  FreeTroposphere Physics C. Bretherton, U. Washington
1500 Break (25 minutes)
1525 Topical Lectures (30+5)
  UTLS D. Hartman, U. Washington
  Tropical Free Waves C. Zhang, U. Miami
  Cryosphere Interface N. Mölders, U. Alaska
1710 End Oral Presentations
1800 Reception and Poster Session (food and refreshments will be served)
1930 End Reception and Poster Session
Tuesday, 19 June
Topical Breakout Sessions, Co-Chairpersons
  Terrestrial Interface (ABL, Bio, Hydro, Urban)
  Ana Barros, Duke U. Helen Cleugh, CSIRO/CAWCR
  Ocean Interface (phys, chem, biochem)
  Chris Fairall, NOAA ESRL P. Sullivan, NCAR/MMM
  Cryosphere Interface, Polar Studies
  Glen Liston, Colorado St. Univ. Mark Serreze, Nat'l. Snow, Ice Data Cntr., CU
  Free Tropospheric Physics (cloud, precipitation, aerosol, radiation)
  Alan Blyth, U. Leeds Kimberly Prather, Scripps Inst. Oceanography
  Tropical Free Waves, Cyclones
  Shuyi Chen, U. Miami, RSMAS Stephan Tulich, U. Colorado/NOAA
  UTLS Region (phys, dynam, chem)
  Marv Geller, Stoneybrook U. Laura Pan, NCAR/ACD
0830 Plenary "marching orders"
0845 Breakout Sessions A - distillation of prominent science questions, experimental methodologies
  Break - As you wish - refreshments available 0945-1030
1110 Brief Remarks Roger Wakimoto, NCAR Director
1115 Summary Reports – Breakout Sessions A (5+2 minutes each.)
1200 Buffet Lunch* (payment required for NCAR and federal employees)
1300 Breakout Sessions B – priority objectives, observing facility gaps, applicable technologies
  Break - As you wish - refreshments available 0200-0245
1530 Breakout B - Summary Reports
1615 Plenary Discussion - explore common ground, low hanging fruit, trans-disciplinary requirements
1715 Adjourn Open Sessions
Wednesday 20 June
0900 -1330 Synthesis Committee Meeting (by invitation)
  The synthesis committee will engage in structured discussions for the following purposes:
  • Integrate findings and recommendations derived from the topical inputs
  • Provide overarching findings and recommendations derived from considerations such as scientific and technological readiness, urgency, breath of applications, other pivotal considerations.
  • Draft a report that summarizes highlights and recommendations for distribution to participants and other interested parties.
  • Distill a high-level summary for a widely circulated publication and website postings.



 Abstracts and Posters

Abstract/Poster Title Author(s) Registrant/submitter
Toward and Autonomous Ground-based RF Facility to Monitor Snow and Ice in Remote Regions (View Poster) Anna P. Barros Barros, Ana
EOL Wind Profiler and Sounding Support of Climate Related Field Campaigns (View Poster) Willam Brown, Stephen Cohn, Heather McIntyre Brown, William
NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Division measurements of CO, CO2, CH4, O3, NO, and NO2 in support of NSF/NCAR airborne platforms Teresa Campos, Frank Flocke, Andrew Weinheimer, Geoffrey Tyndall, and Alex Guenther Campos, Teresa
A Modular Profiling Network: From the Boundary Layer to the Tropopause (View Poster) Stephen Cohn, William Brown, Brad Lindseth, Charlie Martin Cohn, Stephen
Real-time data and communications services of NCAR's Earth Observing Laboratory (View Poster) Christopher Webster, Michael Daniels, Greg Stossmeister Daniels, Michael
The hills are alive: Earth surface dynamics and atmosphere interactions in the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory (View Poster) Stephen DeLong, Peter Troch, Travis Huxman, Jon Pelletier, Jon Chorover, Greg Barron-Gafford, Katerina Dontsova, Ty Ferre, Guo-Yue Niu, Xubin Zeng DeLong, Steve
Lightning Electric Current Measurement On-Board the Storm Penetrating Aircraft (View Poster) Jay Ely, Truong Nguyen and George Szatkowski Ely, Jay
Research Using High Vertical-Resolution Radiosonde Data (View Poster) Marvin Geller, Peter Love Geller, Marvin
Use of the NSF LAOF GISMOS instrument in the study of developing tropical cyclones Jennifer Haase, Brian Murphy, Paytsar Muradyan, J.L. Garrison Haase, Jennifer
Profiling the Antarctic Atmosphere Using the GPS Radio Occultation Technique from Stratospheric Balloons – Perspectives for a future addition to the LAOF J.S. Haase, J. Maldonado Vargas, F. Rabier, P. Cocquerez, V. Guidard, P. Wyss, A. Johnson, B. Murphy Haase, Jennifer
Recent Development in Airborne Radiometric Measurements from NCAR/NSF Aircraft (View Poster) Julie Haggerty, Sam Hall, Anthony Bucholtz, and Michael Spowart Haggerty, Julie
22 Years of GPS Dropsonde Data for Climate Studies (View Poster) Terry Hock, June Wang, Kate Young Hock, Terry
CentNet - A deployable 100-station network for surface exchange research Steven P. Oncley, S. Semmer, T.W. Horst, J. Militzer, G. Maclean, K. Knudson, C. Golubieski Horst, Tom
The Front Range Observational Network Testbed (View Poster) John Hubbert Hubbert, John
Urban Flux and Other Micrometeorological Applications of the Picarro G2311-f Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Water Vapor Analyzer (View Poster) Gloria Jacobson, Chris Rella, Eric Crosson, Wade McGillis, Emma Yates, and Olaf Kolle Jacobson, Gloria
The CSU-CHILL National Radar Facility (View Poster) Steven A. Rutledge, V. Chandrasekar, V. N. Bringi, D. A. Brunkow, J. George, R. K. Bowie, and P. C. Kennedy Kennedy, Pat
A New Aircraft-Towed Platform for Air-Sea Interaction Measurements D. Khelif, C. Friehe, B. Bluth, J. Barge, T. Morse, D. Bierly, and Greg Kok Khelif, Djamal
An Optical Fiber-Based Laser Velocimeter for Measuring Mean and Fluctuating Wind Components From an Aircraft Scott M. Spuler, Donald H. Lenschow, Richard B. Friesen, William A. Cooper, Michael P. Spowart, and James Ranson Lenschow, Don
Obsevations in support of coupled SST, deep convection and rainfall research (View Poster) Yanping Li, Colorado State University; and R. E. Carbone, NCAR Li, Yanping
Parameterization of Ice Fall Speeds in Climate Models (View Poster) Sanderson et al Mishra, Subhashree
Cryosphere interface Nicole Mölders Mölders, Nicole
Particle-size distribution measurement on the NSF Gulfstream V (View Poster) John Ortega, James N. Smith, David C. Rogers, Steve Gabbard Ortega, John
University of North Dakota Cessna Citation Research Aircraft (View Poster) Michael Poellot, David Delene, Cedric Grainger Poellot, Michael
An optical fiber-based laser velocimeter for measuring mean and fluctuating wind components from and aircraft National Center for Atmospheric Research – Atmospheric Chemistry Division Spuler, Scott
Resolving uncertainties in climate predictions by improving the treatment of small ice particles Robert C. Jackson, Greg M. McFarquhar, Jeff Stith, David C. Rogers, William A. Cooper Stith, Jeff
Climate applications of ground-based GPS measurements of water vapor (View Poster) June Wang, Liangying Zhang, Aiguo Dai Wang, June
Dust In the Wind: Marine Vibrio Bacteria Response to Aeolian Nutrients Jason Westrich, Dale Griffin, Erin K. Lipp Westrich, Jason
Arctic Project Support and Data Management Activities at NCAR's Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL) Don W. Stott, Steven F. Williams, James A. Moore, Gregory J. Stossmeister and Michael D. Daniels Williams, Steve
The Bering Sea Project Archive:Unifying the BEST and BSIERP Data Archives Don Stott, Amanda Orin and James A. Moore Williams, Steve
Review of recent DYNAMO field campaign Chidong Zhang Zhang, Chidong
Measuring area-average soil moisture using stationary and roving cosmic-ray probes M. Zreda, X. Zeng, J. Shuttleworth, T. Franz, R. Rosolem, C. Zweck, T. Ferre Zreda, Marek